
My inbox has been jammed for the past a few days and I am so tired of receiving those "Final Hours" "We Extend!" and "Don't Miss Your Last Chance". I mean, really? It was only Black Friday a few years ago. Last year, Cyber Monday was Monday ONLY. This year, it became Cyber Monday Week...

I completely understand why online stores extend the sales. People buy, like a lot, during holiday season. They would literally sit at computer for a whole day -- in this year's case, for a few days -- to check the "best deals ever". I actually checked some sites that I always trust too. But I just bought one thing -- a purse -- after receiving tons of Cyber Monday news.

Last year, there was a huge stream of returning after the Holiday Season. Some went to return the gifts they didn't like and the others went to return the goods they wish they didn't purchase... Such a waste of time, isn't it? You spent hours and days to view the products and waited another few days to get them. And then, you returned them... I am sure there are lots of people who got what they really wanted and were very happy about that. But I mean, really? Cyber Monday Week? What you expect people to do except shopping? Office staff use office hour to check deals, house wives are paying online in their cleaning time and college students check on cheap gears and make-ups at library...

Another thing is, the products may not be as cheap as they told you. If you did a little bit research and comparison before you place the order, your chance of finding a better deal for the same product is pretty high.

Anyway, I see that under today's economy condition, it is probably a good way to stimulate the economy. I am just hoping that my inbox will not be as jammed as it is now in a couple of days.

By the way, Happy Belated Thanksgiving. Let's look forward to X'mas, another "sale craze"!

Summer Fang